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Bleach Wiki

Thanks to Nick, Herakles, czeliate, Andygoesrawr, Minerva,B. Haddrell and Drama26 of Bleach Asylum.



The raw scans will be updated on Friday.

Mystery and the Truth 2:

Page 1: The truth behind the death of Masaki 20 years ago.

20 years ago the shinigami conducted an experiment in the real world. Isshin battled this hollow, White, and was rescued by Masaki the Quincy. That event was the beginning of destiny.

Masaki uses her body to stop the hollow. But what are the consequences of that action?

The injury caused by White has started the process of hollowification and a hole appears in Masaki's chest. Urahara lends his help. The Fullbringers have the strength of the hollows because their mothers were attacked by hollows. Could Ichigo's fullbring abilities have arisen from this event?

To stop the Hollow from devouring Masaki's soul, Isshin lost his powers. The Hollow in Ichigo's Inner world is released and assumes the appearance from before.

Masaki could have probably defeated Grand Fisher without even a single injury to herself. The Quincy who were decided as “unclean” and possessing impure blood were robbed of their powers.

Because Masaki was a Pure Quincy (Echt Quincy), her Blut Vene ability allowed her to defeat White. She received an injury from the hollow, her soul got mingled with the hollow's and during Bach's “Holy Selection”, he passed judgement that Masaki was “unclean” and her Quincy powers were lost.

Page 2:

After many times experimenting, White has been made. White has been made with the soul of a Shinigami. Who is this shinigami? White the Hollow is all black. He has a hole in his chest that is blocked with “something”. He has very sharp blades for arms. Aizen said he wanted to see an outcome (ref to. Chapter 533, pg 10). Was he referring to the Hollow that lives in the Inner world of Ichigo?!

Aizen has repeated the hollowification experiments he did a hundred years ago; where he manipulated souls of ordinary folk, Gotei members and the souls of Hirako and Co.

And White, the hollow Aizen created, resembles closely in appearance to the complete (or perfect?) Hollow that lives in Ichigo. The created hollow, based on the template of a Shinigami, chose a Quincy: a being the least like itself. Aizen and Co.'s expectations were betrayed when White committed suicide (or you may prefer self-destructed?). Doesn't he bear a resemblance to the complete Hollow Form that Ichigo took on?

In the passing of twenty years the Shiba Family has fallen. Is the cause of the downfall because Isshin saved Masaki's life by losing his Shinigami powers? Or is there some other reason in addition?

Kuukaku, who helps the Zero Squad return to the Spirit Realm mentions “Uncle” (Oji). Who could this person be? Ukitake nursed high expectations for Kaien to become a Vice-captain. 20 years ago, Isshin took the position of Captain of the 10th squad. It's not known if Kaien was from the head of the family or part of a branch (these two sentences not clear to me, so don't quote me on it).

Page 3:

These are supposedly just sentences sprawled across the page with relevant images in the background. There's no more elaboration to these "headlines".

Ishida Uryuu: Fallen into the camp gates!

The disappearing Seireitei!

The Vandenreich enter once more!

Page 4:

These are supposedly just sentences sprawled across the page with relevant images in the background. There's no more elaboration to these "headlines".

The World ends in 9 days.

A recipe for a secret strategy is being devised.

Intense training.

The Zero Squad's assistance.

A new Zanpaktou.

The Soul Society prepares to counterattack


Click "show" to read. 

Raw Scans


Next issue... a huge feature on the impact of the truth behind Ichigo's birth, which could not be introduced in this issue!!

Mystery And The Truth 1

一方的に尸魂界が蹂躙され、死神と滅却師との最後決闘が描かれている「千年血戦編」。この最後戦で描かれ判 明した、これまでの謎、そして新たに産声を上げた謎。それらをここに紹介する―――。

After Soul Society is one-sidedly overrun, the final battle between Shinigami and Quincy in the Thousand-year Blood War arc is drawn. What is drawn in this last battle is confirmed, and mysteries are raised and born anew.

これまでに語られた謎と新たな謎を紐解く New mysteries and those which have been told so far are disclosed.



The form of the Spirit King and King's Key are shown

尸魂界の象徴にして接待的な存在である霊王。これまでまったく描かれなかったその正体が明らかたなった。し かし、その実態は謎のまま。霊王宮と瀞霊廷を結ぶ王鍵の謎は判明したものの、また新たな謎も― ――。

The welcoming prescence of the Spirit King is a symbol of Soul Society. The identity of it which was not drawn until now has become clear. However, its true state remains a mystery. Although the mystery of the King's Key which links Seireitei and the Royal Palace was confirmed, there is also a new mystery...


I can see why the Spirit King has become infatuated with you...

霊王宮への帰還法は空鶴の砲台のみ。流魂街に住む空鶴がその大役を担うのは?また、空鶴の右腕が無いのは、 王鍵が関係している?

The only method of returning to the Royal Palace is by Kuukaku's cannon. Does Kuukaku living in the Rukongai play a big part in this? Also, Kuukaku's right arm is missing, is this related to the King's Key?

霊王宮に入る* (cannot read that kanji at all)・王鍵は、零番隊に選別された際に霊王の力によって変質した零番隊の“骨”がそれにあたる。零番隊 全員、兵主部と同じ場所なのか?

The King's Key used to enter the Royal Palace is the "bones" of the Zero Division which are altered by the Spirit King upon selection into Zero Division. Is it in the same location as Hyousube for all of the members of the Zero Division?

Main paragraph of page 2:



The true identity of the yearning war demon "Yachiru"

剣八の忘れ得ぬ、憧れる者の名前“八千流”。剣八に多大な影響を与え、真相が分からなかったその名の持つ者 は、初代剣八にして現四番隊隊長・卯ノ花だった。そして、哀しき運命に発着が付く―――。

The unforgettable Kenpachi, "Yachiru" is the name of the person who yearns. Who has a great influence on Kenpachi, whose truth behind their name was not known, is the first Kenpachi and current captain of the Fourth Division, Unohana. Also, her arrival and departure is attached to a sorrowful fate.

幼き剣八がやっと見つけた対等な力を持つ者ー卯の花。彼女を斬ることで初めての”敵”を失う恐れた剣八は、 以後、無意識に力を抑制してしまうことに。

At last, a young Kenpachi found a person who was equal in power (to him); Unohana. She was the first "enemy" that Kenpachi feared to kill, then, he unconsciously shackled the entirety of his power.


His formerly sealed power awakens, and then his Zanpakuto speaks to him....

卯の花との戦いに勝利した剣八は、初めてその声ーずっと語りかたけても反応しなかったザンパクトの声を聞く 。

Kenpachi who won his battle with Unohana, finally hears the voice of his Zanpakuto and then he responded to that voice.

Page 3:

Keyword 1: Special War Potential

Bach's Vandenreich have come to SS to meet the 5 War Potentials. Ichigo, Aizen and Kenpachi aside, who on earth are the remaining two war potentials? Will the remaining two potentials hold the key to the Separation Arc? The basis on which the judgement of who is a War Potential is unknown. Are there elements that are factored in besides the "strength of the War Potential"?

Kenpachi Panel: "The strong Zaraki Kenpachi was specified to be a Special War Potential, the end result was that he was defeated by Bach"

The panel with Aizen says "Aizen Sosuke, the one who caused untold chaos upon Soul Society is the only one to be imprisoned to the depths of Muken"

Panel with Ichigo and Opie: "Kurosaki Ichigo: Ichigo, who possesses the blood of a Quincy, is a special War potential. Among the Special War Potentials, a person other than a Shinigami was selected." (It says Shinigami igai ni, which I interpret to be other than a shinigami. (Correct me if I'm wrong).

Keyword 2: "The Sky Strain"

There is a small strain in the sky of Karakura Town. Hiyori receives a directive from Hirako (who has returned to the Gotei 13) jointly issued with Mayuri, to fix the strain. Is the directive talking about this little strain in the sky? Is that all that the directive has to say? (unclear about this sentence)

護廷十三隊に復帰した平子からひよ里へ下された「ひずみ直し」の指令とマユリと連名で届けられ た小包。

Hiyori has received orders from Shinji, who has been reinstated into the Gotei Thirteen, to repair the tear upon joint orders from Mayuri who sent her a package.


Is Hiyori fixing these "tears"? Are her orders only restoration work?


Just before Hiyori began locating these tears, she sensed the "smell of a Shinigami"

上空でも発生した空間のひずみ。この直後、たつきたちの前にきょうらくが現れ、一護の近況と今後を伝えた。 死神の出現と関連がある。。。?

A tear also appeared in the empty space of the sky (TN: Above Karakura town near the location of Tatsuki, Mizuiri, Keigo and Shunsui). Just before this, Kyoraku appears before Tatsuki and friends and tells them of Ichigo's current situation and future. Is this a connection to the appearance of the Shinigami...?

Keyword 3 Panel: :"Genryusai"

The name " Genryusai" that was uttered but once! Bach always refers to Yamamoto Genryusai as "Shigekuni". But, when striking the final blow, he said not "Shigekuni", but "Genryusai". Is there a meaning behind the fact that Bach called him "Genryusai" that one time only?

直後、ゲンリュサイが激昂したのは、ユーハバッハがゲンリュサイの卍解で部下を蘇らせようとし たから?

Soon after Genryusai was angered, was Yhwach going to try and use Genryusai's Bankai to resurrect his subordinates?


The truth of the Millennium Bloodwar has been clearly explained and the mysteries are drawing closer.


Click "show" to read. 

Raw Scans

The next issue will be:


Clarifying the many mysteries and truths of the Milennium Blood War Arc.

Page One



Those who have returned to the Gotei 13 and those who remain in the Human Realm---

百年前、死神としての運命を狂わされ、尸魂界を追われた仮面の軍勢。彼らは愛染が引き起こした騒乱の後、尸 魂界に戻って護廷十三隊に復帰する者がいれば、現世に残り平穏な日常を送る者もいた。しかし、滅却師の侵攻 後に下された尸魂界からの指令。現世組もまた、次の血戦に向けて立ち上がる。

A hundred years ago, the fate of the Shinigami was derailed, and the Visoreds were driven out of Soul Society. After the mayhem caused by Aizen, some of them returned to the Gotei 13 in Soul Society, and others remained to live peacefully in the Human Realm. However, instructions from Soul Society were sent down after the Quincy invasion. Now even the Human Realm must stand and face the next blood bath.


Shikai - Bankai

死神が持つ斬魄刀の二段階の解放の第一段階目が始解、第二段階目が卍解。元死神である仮面の軍勢も、これら の解放は可能。

Shinigami posses two levels of Zanpakuto release, the first being Shikai and the second Bankai. The Visored, former Shinigami, are also capable of these releases.



虚の力を手にし、自在にパワーアップを果たす虚化。死神の持ち得ない能力として、仮面の軍勢は皆これを持つ 。

Hollow powers in hand, they are able to freely "power up" to achieve Hollowfication. No Shinigami can have this ability, but all of the Visoreds possess it.


Shinigami with Zanpakuto and Hollow Masks---


Gotei 13: The Returning Group

三番隊 隊長 鳳橋楼十郎

Third Division Captain Ootoribashi Rojuro

(stuff about Kira)

五番隊 隊長 平子真子

Fifth Division Captain Hirako Shinji


Return to the Fifth Division which hasn't changed from 100 years ago. During the recent attack, he is one of the few who did not have his Bankai taken. (Rough translation, this paragraph is really strange to translate)

九番隊 隊長 六車拳西

Ninth Division Captain Muguruma Kensei

百年前と同様に、白と共に九番隊に復帰。副隊長は変わらず、拳西に憧れる檜佐木修兵か努めてい る。

Just like 100 years ago, he has returned to the Ninth Division along with Mashiro. The lieutenant hasn't changed, as Hisagi Shuuhei admires Kensei.

九番隊 スーパー副隊長 久南白

Ninth Division Super Lieutenant Kuna Mashiro


Just like Kensei, Mashiro has also returned to the Ninth Division. Mashiro has only attained the position of "special seated officer" now!?


Human Realm: Remaining Group


Sarugaki Hiyori


Former lieutenant of the Twelfth Division who hates Shinigami. Zero Division Hikifune is Hiyori's former senior officer.




Hacchi boasts a giant body. He is the only one not formerly a member of the Gotei 13, instead being from the Kidou Corps.




With his trademark afro and sunglasses, he is the former captain of the Seventh Division.


Yadoumaru Risa


Former lieutenant of the Eighth Division. The relationship she had with her senior officer Kyoraku is now shared with Nanao.

Page 2


Human world


Each of those who have spiritual power ----

イチゴ、石田と共の空座町のホロウ退治に協力していたサドと織姫。クインシーのソウル魂界襲撃には参戦でき なかつたが、次の戦いを見据えて、浦原たちと修行の日々に入る。そして、そこにはーー!?

Sado and Orihime have been cooperating in the Hollow extermination for Karakura-cho along with both Ichigo and Ishida. Although never to be completed due to the attack of Soul Society by the Quincy, in anticipation of the next battle they are training daily with Urahara and others. Then that is --!?

クインシーによるウェムンド襲撃の知らせを受け、知らせてくれたネルとウェムンドに乗り込んだイチゴと織姫 たち。

In response to the news of the Quincy attack of Hueco Mundo, Nel was informed that Ichigo, Orihime, et al would enter Hueco Mundo.

ウェムンドで始まった浦原との特訓。織姫とサド以外にも幾人かが参加している模様。ぞの正体は ?

Urahara's special training began in Hueco Mundo. It seems that several people besides Orihime and Sado are participating. The identity of each is?


Ichigo's classmates with spiritual power --


A contract with Urahara was exchanged ----

ウェムンドに残った浦原、織姫、サドとイチゴが交信している時の現れた、アランカルと思われる謎の男。この 口調は。。。まさか?そして、現世でイチゴとの別れを告げられた、たつきやケイゴ、水色の3人 は!?

While left in Hueco Mundo, Urahara, Orihime, and Sado communicate with Ichigo, when a mysterious man who seems to be an Arrancar appeared. That tone of voice ... no way? In the human world, Tatsuki, Keigo, and Mizuiro are told to bid farewell to Ichigo, those three people!?


The Third Force.


The Fullbringers.


Ganju is mobilising xCUTION?

一護が零番隊と共に霊王宮へ行く際に使った、クウカクの打ち上げ台。そこで描かれたのが"物質”に宿る"魂 ”を引き出し使役するフルブリンガーと思しき3人とガンジュ。彼らも次の戦いに参戦する?

When Ichigo and Squad Zero went to the Reiokyu, they used Kukaku's Launch Pad. There, the image appears to depict Ganju with the three Fullbringers, who draw out and utilize the "soul" that dwells within "matter". Are they also participating in the next battle?

ギンジョウクウゴ Kugo Ginjo.

十字架のネックレスが長剣なるギンジョウのフルブリング。一護がなる前に、死神代行を務めてい た。

Ginjo's Fullbring is a cross-shaped necklace that becomes a long sword. Before Ichigo, he served as a substitute Shinigami.


Shukuro Tsukishima.

本に挿む栞が力となるツキシマのフルブリング。斬った者(あるいは物)の過去を操作する能力を 持つ。

The book mark placed in his book, is the power that becomes Tsukishima's Fullbring. He possesses the ability to cut any object and manipulate its past.


Giriko Kutsuzawa.


For generations, a pocket watch has been handed down that utilizes the ability to set a condition-based timer.


They are the people who are fighting in the Final Blood War.

Page 3

Zanpakuto 斬魄刀

The Zanpakuto.


The true form of Zangetsu, a Bankai that has been destroyed.

クインシーに折られた斬魄刀を「刀神」二枚屋王悦に打ち直してもらうために彼の零番離殿を訪れた一護。そこ で一護は知ることになるー「斬月」の正体と自らの出生を!?

Ichigo underwent a visit to the Zero Division to get the "Sword God", Nimaiya Ouetsu, to fix his sword which was broken by the Quincies. There, Ichigo is then to understand the true identity of Zangetsu, their birth!?


Ichigo attempts to have the damaged Zanpakuto repaired, Mayuri told him the real situation concerning his Bankai.


Nimaiya Ouetsu, the only Shinigami capable of forging Zanpakuto, ruthlessly sent Ichigo down (to the Human Realm) with uncertainty.


By knowing the truth of his birth, Ichigo succeeds in choosing an Asauchi.


Nimaiya then recreates Ichigo's connection with his Asauchi. However, Nimaiya speaks the shocking truth.

内なる世界で、始解や卍解といった斬魄刀の扱い方を教えてきた「斬月」。それは、若き日のユー はバッハ。

Inside the inner world, Zangetsu taught Ichigo how to use a Zanpakuto's Shikai and Bankai. That is Yhwach in his youth.


He saved your life.


Holding a new, dual Zanpakuto!

現世組のヴァイザード、ウラハラと修行する織姫たち、そしてフルブリンガーと思われる者。果たして彼らは、 新たな斬魄刀を手にした一護と共に最終血戦に挑むことになるのか。

The Vizards in the Human Realm, Orihime and the others who are training with Urahara and those who appear to be the Fullbringers. Surely enough, they, together with Ichigo who wields a new Zanpakuto, will fight in the Final Blood War.


In the next issue, the many truths and mysteries of Millennium Blood War Arc have been revealed, largely explaining them!


Click "show" to read. 

Raw Scans

Main title down the middle:


The Seireitei met with defeat...

Top right with Yamamoto:


Death of the Head of the Gotei 13

滅却師の侵攻に二千を超える隊士、五十を超える席官、そして護廷十三隊の老将・元柳斎が倒れた尸魂界。そん な甚大な損害を被った尸魂界は、次なる血戦に備え、新たに総隊長を立て変革の刻を迎える。

More than 2,000 soldiers, more than 50 seated officers, and the veteran officer Genryuusai fell during the Quincy invasion of Soul Society. Soul Society suffered such an enormous loss, began preparations for the next bloody battle, and welcomed the next Captain Commander.



Genryuusai was annihilated by Yhwach.

The shattered Ryuujinjakka was returned to the Division Barracks.


After the death of Genryuusai, his favourite student, Kyouraku Shunsui, was appointed Captain Commander.

Middle right:


Descent of the Zero Division

Middle right header:


The five heroes who protect the Soul King

尸魂界にあって象徴的でありなだら絶対的な存在である霊王を守護する零番隊。霊王から「尸魂界の歴史そのも のである」と認められた、5人の強力な死神で構成されている。

The Zero Division that protects the Soul King exists as an absolute symbol in Soul Society. Recognized by the Soul King as being "the history of Soul Society itself", it is composed of five extremely powerful Shinigami.


The combined power of these five people surpasses that of the entire Thirteen Divisions.

Bottom right with Ichibe:


The commanding Shinigami of the Zero Division


Referred to as "Oshou" by Kyouraku, who has a deep connection with the senior captains. All of his abilities and past are a mystery.


Hyousube appears to be the large-hearted man who brings together the Zero Division. His face is also extremely excited.

Bottom middle with Senjumaru:


The female Shinigami who shares a deep relationship with Mayuri (word used is 因縁 which means fate or destiny, which is interesting)

マユリの管理された研究室に易々と侵入するなで、謎多き死神。彼女の能力は、死覇装閑連だけで はない

Easily breaking into the laboratory managed by Mayuri, she is a Shinigami of many mysteries. Her abilities, not just related to the Shihakusho!?


A warning sound reverberates as the Shutara Scale is reported. Senjumaru is related...?

Second Page:

The revival of the Shinigami humiliated by the Quincy! Each of them training daily. The Gotei 13 plot to make a comeback. Kenpachi Panel: In Muken, Kenpachi risks his life for the thrill of battle. At last (not in conclusion as Herakles says), he hears for the first time, the voice of his Zampaktou and also knows its name.

Kensei Panel: Kensei, who hadn't lost his Bankai, along with Mashiro seek Kensei's co-operation in Bankai training so that they may expand in number of war potentials*.

Akon Panel- After terminating all contact with his subordinates, Mayuri remains in the confines of his room. What is it the thing in Captain Mayuri's room that Akon's secret camera has captured?

Nimaiya Panel: The only Shinigami to craft a blade. All the swords possessed by the Gotei 13 squads are crafted by Nimaiya Ouetsu from nameless blades called the Asauchi. He lives in a royal palace with other Zampaktou (?) and he is capable of making preliminary arrangements for repairing broken Zampaktou.

Kirinji Panel : The rotten blood and reiatsu are squeezed out, and replaced in a special hot water spring that is housed in the Kirinden Palace. However it is also possible for the body to be ruptured by the waters after the recovery. (I think this is a reference to the aides who had to wear special suits to get into the water).


Revival of the Shinigami who succumbed to the Quincy.

無間で命を賭した戦いに興じる剣八。最後、初めて斬魄刀の声を聴き、名を知る。 斬魄刀の名を知る者

Kenpachi who is risked his life in the Muken to enjoy battle. In conclusion, he listened to the voice of his Zanpakuto for the very first time, he knows its name.

Evolution 進化



Hitsugaya decided that after losing Bankai, he will train from the basics and he is determined.



She who had her Bankai stolen.

Soi Feng who also lost her Bankai, is training her body and mind from scratch alone.


クインシーに完膚なきまでに叩きのめされた語廷十三隊。ある者たちは卍解を奪われ、ある者は命の危機を迎え 。それでも彼らは、次の決戦に向けてそれぞれが力・技の向上を目指自らを鍛え直すのだった。

Each of them are training everyday.

The Gotei Thirteen who were horribly beaten by then Quincy. Those people who had their Bankai stolen, are now faced with a life threatening crisis. Nevertheless, all of their energy is pointed towards the next battle and their objective is to train and improve their techniques.


The Gotei Thirteen's plan to make a recovery.


重度の損傷を受けたルキアとレンジ、そしてビャクヤ。彼らは一護と共に霊王宮に招かれ修行に明 け暮れる。

The people recovering in the Reiokyu.

Renji and Rukia received severe injuries, alongside Byakuya. Together with Ichigo, they were invited to the Reiokyu to do nothing but train.

卍解を奪われなかったケンセイはマシロと共に、戦力を拡充するためにヒサギの卍解修得に協力す る。

Kensei who did not lose his Bankai, is cooperating together with Mashiro, cooperating with Shuuhei to learn Bankai in order to expand their war power.



He who is creating an invention.

Mayuri that rejects contact with his subordinates, is secluded in his own room. What was captured by the camera installed by Akon in the Main Division Barracks!?


He who seeks the secrets of his family


Komamura, with great determination, visited a cave, sealed with a Torii gate and a pile of stacked up rocks.


麒麟寺 天示郎

Hot Spring Demon

Kirinji Tenjiro


傷み切った霊圧と腐れた血を搾り出し、特殊な湯で補給し入れ換える麒麟殿の温泉。ただし体が”過回復”で腐 り破裂することも。

Kirinji's "Kirinden" has special healing hot water.

After squeezing out the bruised Reiatsu and rotten blood, the special hot water of the Kirinden's hot spring replenishes it.


The hot spring once seen before in the underground Bankai training area with Yoruichi is an imitation.



Grain King

Hikifune Kirio


自らと全く別の霊圧を体内に取り入れ、力の階層を上げる。その概念を料理に込める曳舟は、元は銃二番隊の隊 長で、ひよ里の上官。

In this voluptuous Shinigami's "Gatonden", the body is impregnated with new Reiatsu.

Reiatsu that is entirely different to one's own is taken in to the body, raising one's power level. This concept of charging food is

Hikifune's, originally the captain of the Twelfth Division, and Hiyori's superior officer.


語廷十三隊の全隊士が持つ無銘の斬魄刀「浅打」を唯一造りだせる二枚屋王悦。宮廷内にしか存在しない超霊術 でもって壊れた斬魄刀を打ち直すこともできる。

The only Shinigami who creates Zanpakuto

The unimprinted Zanpakuto carried by the entire force of the Gotei 13, the Asauchi, are created solely by Nimaiya Ouetsu.

The only way to fix a broken Zanpakuto is to use a super Reijutsu which exists only within the Royal Realm.


Once Ichigo understood his roots, a brand new Zanpakuto was made for him.


クインシーと血戦に向けて、それぞれの方法で修練を重ねる語廷十三隊の死神たち。そんな彼らの修行が極まっ たとき、死神たちの”真”反撃が始まる。

The Shinigami are devoting themselves to preparing for the moment to strike back. Towards a bloody battle with the Quincy, the Shinigami of the Gotei 13 each continuously train in their methods. Once they have reached the climax of their training, the Shinigami's "true" counterattack begins.

Next issue: full feature on Ichigo's Human Realm group, the Vizards, and the third force!

I have no idea what the third force (第三勢力) is meant to be, clarification is appreciated.


Raw Scans

Japaneses raws:

1st Picture:

Bleach the Dagger #1

Small text : From this week onwards till the beginning of serialisation of WJ 41 [Thousand Years bloody war arc the farewell/separation story], in 5 weeks, will feature each theme of [Thousand Years bloody war arc] thoroughly , #1 is “Wandenreich”!! 十字之一 (cross of one)?

Main Title: Wandenreich who trampled/crushed Soul Society Sub title: The “should have been dead” exorcism family – Quincy's counterattack— -Quincies who were swapped away by Shinigami, appears all of a sudden, and crushed soul society in the name of “Wandenreich”. - Thousand years ago, the case of Genryusai failing to supress the head of wandenreich : Yhwach, and also Shinigami’s determination to battle and exterminate Quincies. After a long period of time, the final bloody war attributed to the 2 forces, has unfold at the moment –

Vertical text: The cause of thousand years ago— 2nd picture (left):


Main title: After years and years, the Wandenreich began to attack –

Sub title: The Wandenreich who ruled and expand the Hueco Mundo

Sub-sub title: Captured and took the 3rd espada, who once ruled the Hueco Mundo - Before invading Soul society, Wandenreich attacks Hueco Mundo. They have successfully captured Harribel , and imprisoned her in the “Ice palace”. - The Wandenreich created a Hueco Mundo hunting team to deemed the arrancars that do not require battle educations as precious combatant and to ensure such arrancars possess. Sub title: Under the imperial order, [The star knight(Stern Ritter)]’s elimination - Numerous of green/blue pillar of fire suddenly appears inside the spherical spirit barrier that surrounds the Sereitei. From there, under the imperial order, the stern ritters arrived, and pushed the shinigami to a terror of the deep.

Sub-sub title: An early judgement and underestimation of Shinigami against the enemy due to lack of information - Shinigamis attempt to confront the Quincies with bankais, but were mocked by the stern ritters as they had successfully stole their bankais.

Sub-sub title : Number of soldiers whose spiritual pressure disappeared: 1,245, seated officer: 56, vice captain = 1. The number keeps increasing. - Unable to set out a victory, even Kira has fallen. Sereitei falls into a miserable condition.

Sub-sub title: Shinigami and Soul Society were brutally stomped - Even Kenpachi, one of the special war potential, and Byakuya, who has a prominent strength in the Gotei 13, were defeated in front of the Stern Ritters. - Yhwach stole Genryusai’s bankai , and slash him down. This, is the closure after thousand years.

3rd picture (right):


Main title: Extinct more than 200 years ago, the complete hollow extinguisher – Quincy

Sub title: Due to destructions of hollows, depicts a tragic history - Quincies possessed a high spiritual pressure and the ability to supress hollows. But they completely destroyed the hollows in the real world. Shinigami maintains the balance of souls between the real world and Soul Society, a companion who has the same goal,that is to “defeat hollows”, but their existence is unpleasant. Therefore, approximately 200 years ago, Shinigami decided to conduct a war to exterminate Quincies.

Sub-sub title: In the past, the exorcism group who specialised in suppressing hollows has spread throughout the world… - Shinigaimi in charged both the real world and soul society, are also the soul balancer in both worlds. Hence, when the Quincies ruined the flow of souls, it is considered dangerous in Shinigami’s point of view.

Sub title: 200 years of unremitting studies, the evolution that is beyond imagination was born - 200 years ago, Quincies became extinct after the extermination battles, but there are still a small amount of Quincies like Ishida survives. However, the survival Quincies took an effort to study after 200 years, and received a new power that Shinigami have not seen before.

Sub title: Losing the power completely, [Quincy’s final form](Letzt Stil) - [Quincy’s final form], a power that goes beyond the limit of Quincy’s spiritual particles gathering force, but will lose all the Quincy powers in the end. This power also fails to be handed down 200 years ago. - [Quincy’s Complete holy form] (Vollstandig) : different from the [Quincy’s final form], its power also possess the same with different horrizons. - Star Emblemize (Medalize): Using a circular metal like that has a Quincy cross imprint on it, the Medalize , steals the bankai power of Shinigami. - Blood cloth (Blut): A technique that inserts the spiritual particles into the blood vessels, and increases the attack or defence drastically. However, both the attack and defence cannot be increase at the same time. - Blood vein(blut vein): can even block the blade. When it unleashes, a pattern that looks like an electronic circuit lines appear on the skin. - Holy Slave(Sklaverei): Increases the gathering force of spiritual particles to the limit, by enslaving it. Whether it was based objects or humans, the disc on top of the head can literally absorbs all the spirit particles.

4th Picture

根据各自的能力而来 被赐予“聖文字”的灭卻師一団 The "Sacred Letters" of the Quincy are given to them based on their abilities.

侵略尸魂界 討伐元柳齋以及眾多死神的灭卻師精锐所组成的一团 - 星十字骑士団 The Soul Society invasion, the Quincy who crusaded against Yamamoto and numerous Shinigami were composed of an elite group: the Star Knights.

擁有足以與護廷十三隊隊長等级 The Gotei Thirteen who they have a sufficient amount of The Gotei 13 Captain Ranks...

匹敵之力的他们之中 "聖文字" 已知晓的骑士团员将在此介绍 Those who are equal to them in power, the "Sacred Letters" of the Knights that we are already familiar with, will be presentation introduced.

友哈巴赫賜予骑士団員的"聖文字" 其記號縁由是夾自骑士団員的能力 Yhwach bestows the members of the Knights with the "Sacred Characters". The markings are the ability of these Knights.

獲得與友哈巴赫相同的"A"右田的能力以及意圖究竟 Yhwach gave Ishida the same ability of "A", with what intent?

Text below Bambi babies: Even though that the known Stern Ritters has been introduced, their complete view, their ability, and their sequence order is still a mystery. When these information has been revealed, Soul Society will once again shrouded by fear.

Ad: “uncover all the mysterious of the [Thousand years bloody war arc farewell/separation story] will be serialised in WJ 41 again!”

"Next week will be featured/a collection (of) on Gotei 13 and the royal guards"}}
