Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki

Xilinoc Xilinoc 13 March 2013

Chapter 530 - Dark of the Moon 3

well, that was certainly progressive. This chapter is, once again, very good, and I'm happy to see Kubo setting a good pace.

We learn Isshin went to the Human World by himself without apparent orders, which I doubt will end well.

We learn that, harkening back to the medieval age, Ryūken was going to be married with Masaki to preserve the bloodline of the Quincy. So now, we have his relationship to her...ish.

We receive more proof of Isshin being really powerful, intimidating those two Shinigami indirectly with his Reiatsu.

And finally...Arrancar prototype anyone? Hole in chest, skeletal remains, etc. Also note the similarity in appearance to Hollow Ichigo's last form; very interesting, Kubo. Very interesting indeed.

Overall, another really good…

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Xilinoc Xilinoc 9 March 2013

Proper Trivia

Hello, and welcome to part of a series of blogs dedicated to helping users become better editors on Bleach Wiki. This blog is about Proper Trivia.

  • 1 What's Trivia?
  • 2 What does improper Trivia look like?
  • 3 What does proper Trivia look like?
  • 4 Wrap-up

Trivia is a piece of information which, while interesting to note, has no place within the Overview, Appearance, Personality, History, Plot, or Powers and Abilities sections of articles, due to being out-of-universe and/or not entirely important to those sections, and thus is placed in a separate section titled Trivia.

Consider the following:

"While never explicitly stated by Tite Kubo, Ichigo's latest Hollow form is a Vasto Lorde-level Hollow."

This is a prime example of bad trivia.

  1. It has no source, first…

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Xilinoc Xilinoc 6 March 2013

Chapter 529 - Everything but the Rain, "The Rudiments"

Kubo seems to be back on track with making well-paced chapters again.

So we "learn" Isshin was a Shiba (we already knew that, but it's nice to have confirmation).

We learn that around 50 years ago (because I can't count) years ago Rangiku was already a lieutenant and Hitsugaya was the 3rd seat and still looked as expressionless as ever.

Presumably, the incident they were talking about is related to the events leading to the exile of the Visored, Urahara, Tessai, and Yoruichi.

Apparently, Ichigo is (surprise surprise) a unique individual, being the only Shinigami ever to gain his Zanpakutō without using an Asauchi. However, I do find it interesting that on some level, this makes all the Shinigami somewhat equal, as everyone used the same method…

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Xilinoc Xilinoc 2 March 2013

Spoiler Policy

Please read for more information.

Hello, and welcome to part of a series of blogs dedicated to helping users become better editors on Bleach Wiki. This blog is about the Spoiler Policy.

  • 1 What's the Spoiler Policy?
  • 2 What does a spoiler look like?
  • 3 What isn't a spoiler?
  • 4 Wrap-up

The Spoiler Policy is a policy designed to keep information from unreleased chapters and episodes from being added to articles.

Let's say someone had access to the raw (original Japanese version, released in the weekly Jump) of the next chapter. Chapters usually release online every Wednesday, which is when we add information to the wiki. However, if someone released information contained within that chapter before Wednesday onto the wiki, that would be considered a spoiler…

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Xilinoc Xilinoc 2 March 2013

Speculation Policy

Please read this for more information.

Hello, and welcome to part of a series of blogs dedicated to helping users become better editors on Bleach Wiki. This blog is about the Speculation Policy.

  • 1 What's the Speculation Policy?
  • 2 What does speculation look like?
  • 3 What isn't speculation?
  • 4 Wrap-up

The Speculation Policy is a policy designed to keep opinionated, unproven, and otherwise wrong information out of articles. On this wiki, speculation is the act of guessing what may occur in future chapters or what may be true without having any proof to back it up.

Consider the following sentences:

"Ulquiorra Cifer is alive."

At the end of his fight with Ichigo, Ulquiorra crumbled into dust and blew away in the wind. There has been no evidence since of him b…

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