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Sometime, before Urahara even conceived the concept of the Hōgyoku, Sōsuke Aizen had already come to the same conclusion, having created one of his own. Realizing that it was still incomplete, Aizen presented to it the souls of hundreds upon hundreds of Shinigami and Rukongai citizens, to no avail. In time, Aizen analyzed the research data concerning Urahara’s own Hōgyoku, learning that it too, was incomplete. With this in mind, Aizen sought to steal Urahara’s Hōgyoku, and to present it to his own.[1] Roughly 101 years before the current time, Sōsuke Aizen put an experiment into motion that would put the true capabilities of the Hōgyoku to the test. With the help of his subordinates, he forcibly caused Shinji Hirako and a number of other Shinigami captains and lieutenants to undergo Hollowfication. In an attempt to reverse the damage Aizen had caused, Kisuke Urahara attempted to use the Hōgyoku on them. However, while it succeeded in stabilizing their souls, it failed to undo the Hollowfication. Framed for the incident by Aizen, Kisuke fled to the world of the living with the group of Shinigami, bringing his Hōgyoku along with him. Eventually, the group of Shinigami gained control over their newfound Hollow powers and became known as the Visored, rogues rumored to have gained Hollow powers through illegal means.[2] True, this never was revealed in Chapter 305.1-11, most people believe it was a virus. I can understand why people dont want to believe it. But, I think it is the best answer. Charon12 (talk) 16:47, August 18, 2011 (UTC)
